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Literary Agents Curtis Brown Ltd
Physical Address: 10 Astor Place New York NY 10003 United States
The following information is available to paid subscribers only...
Branch Office Address: 1750 Montgomery St San Francisco CA 94111 United States Contact: Peter Ginsberg Phone: 415-954-8566
Handle general trade fiction & nonfiction, juvenile. No unsol mss, query first with SASE. Submit outline or sample chapters. No reading fee. Other fees charged (for photocopies, express mail, etc). Handle film & TV rights & merchandising & multimedia. No playwrights. Representatives in all major foreign countries.
Year Founded: 1914
CEO | Timothy F Knowlton (AAR) | Pres | Peter L Ginsberg (AAR) | Book | Nathan Bransford (AAR) | | Ginger Clark (AAR) | | Katherine Fausset (AAR) | | Elizabeth Harding (AAR) | | Emilie Jacobson (AAR) | | Ginger Knowlton (AAR) | | Laura Blake Peterson (AAR) | | Maureen Walters (AAR) | | Mitchell Waters (AAR) | Film & TV Rts | Holly Frederick (AAR) | Translation Rts | Dave Barbor (AAR) | Book | Anna Webman (AAR) |
